May 01, 2008

Chasing Megapixels

The constant desire to upgrade and have the 'best' is driving the sale of cameras and other photo related accessories. People who know nothing about photography are clamoring to upgrade their 6 megapixel camera for an 8 megapixel machine. The market is driven by numbers only. Eight is more than six, so it's gotta be good, right? People who print only 4x6 inch vacation and family type prints don't realize that a 3 (three) megapixel camera will produce great results. I've made a 30x40 inch print from a 7 megapixel digital camera and it looks fantastic.

Rather than chase after megapixels and the highest numbers one can find, photographers (amateur and pro) should concentrate on content itself. The subject of what they're shooting is more important than how it's shot. If you can produce 'wow' images with ANY camera, then the only limitation is what you see in your mind. The camera is purely a tool.
I know people who own 5,6,7 and 8 megapixel cameras and do nothing creative with them. Being impressed by numbers isn't creative.

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